Wednesday 23rd March 2011


Written on 7:49 AM by Bruce CJ

Today is much more fun and challenging task for me. All of the trainee teacher were asked to handle a class relieve (which I found out from Teacher Gladys that 17 teachers were unavailable due to outside activities). I were ask to relieve two classes which is 6 Inovatif and also 2 Kreatif. Well, the first really give me goose bumps since it primary 6 classes which I thought would be much harder to control (which also I found out from the teachers that Dinamik and Inovatif classes are the top classes compare to Kreatif classes which is the bottom classes). But hey, it's much easier to control the primary 6 kids though I have to give them some games to actually control them (I'm still not that good playing with words which I intend to do in the first place). All of them even asking for my Facebook profile (which I regretted to give since I can ask them to find :)). I only suppose to relieve for half and hour but I've took one whole hour. Then, I straightly before past 9 am, I went to the another classes which is 2 Kreatif. Duh! This is the classes that really give me a headache (which at that point I still didn’t know that classes is the bottom classes). The students really are hyperactive and come to the point where there are one girl students just walking around the classes even though I relentlessly ask her to sit down on her chair. And I kept hearing the words "Cikgu, Cikgu.." throughout the classes. I try many ways to control and entertain them. I ask them about the maths table (sifir) which they say they know about it but actually they don't (I don't blame them since they are only primary two kids :)). I even ask them to draw a picture based on what I say, for example, draw elephant. I even draw it myself but they don't concentrate on it. Then, I try to draw out a picture (which I draw a scenery in the village) and ask them to describe the picture. It do attract them for a while before they lose their concentration again. Oh yeah, during the classes, some of the students really love to disturb others and I kept hearing this words also "Cikgu, si #@#*& ambil sa pnya … " and sort of words. I really don't know how to handle that and I just keep scolding them but that things is been repeated in the classes. Lastly, I asked them to sing the nation and state songs which they do sing it passionately and soon after that, I released them for recess. Around 10.20 to 11.20 am is the next relieve classes for Brolin which is 3 Dinamik, I join him on the second half and hour just to kill some times since I got nothing to do that time (plus it's really become interesting for me to actually teach a class). Brolin on the other way ask them to draw any picture on a piece of paper and promise them to give presents to the best drawing. To my surprise, that method actually control the classes though not fully. Then, around 12 plus noon (which at that time I sleep since my headache is getting bad and my sore throat is worsen) , suddenly a teacher ask us to help her to relieve class for 6 Kreatif (still I didn’t know about that information). She do warn us that the students are quite hyperactive. Then, both of us went to the class (again Brolin are supposed to lead the class since my sore throat is damn worse at that time and I really having a hard time to talk loudly in the class but I were forced to lead the class. Damn him :P). Nothing much activities can be done in half and hour other than self introduce. Then, for the co-curriculum class, both of us joined the KRS classes, Teacher Gladys language classes and lastly the sport (actually it's the same teacher handle both the KRS and Sport but I forgot her name :P). That's basically what I have done for today's activities.

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