Monday 21st March 2011


Written on 6:31 AM by Bruce CJ

I have survived on my first day at school. Say "Hooray". I drive from my home around 6.35 am and reach school compound around 6.45 am. To my surprise, Mdm. Dorin is already waiting at the school gate checking for the students (or maybe just checking on us, the Guru Pelatih :D). After saying "morning" to her, she asks me to go to the office and wait for her there and there I go. Oh, wait. It looks like there are other people just like me today report for duty. And hell yeah I'm right. There's another 5 PISMP students from IPG Tawau who also doing their PBS and only for short one weeks. And another 2 PISMP students from IPG Gaya who will be doing their practicum for a month. We were asked to wrote down our attendance on a small chocolate color book and from there, all of us (Brolin haven't come yet that time) were asked to join the weekly assembly. Nothing much to say about the assembly as it's just a normal weekly assembly and all of us were also introduced to the students. But one thing that really amuse me is that all the primary students especially the Level 1 students really enjoy when it comes to singing part (national, state and school songs). Maybe they are not synchronized but at least they singing it more passionate than the adults.

Then, after the assembly has finish. All of us were asked to go back to the office and were told that the staff rooms is full and we will relocated to another rooms which on the 2nd floor (And at last, Brolin came). We take the red chairs from downstairs and bring it to the room and also a big rectangle table where we asked to decorate the table as a signed for our commitment to the school. Not to forget to take the rooms key from office everyday since that room will be our base. From there, Mdm. Dorin give us a simple briefing and what we should expect. I remember she mention about the recess time for Level 1 student is from 10.00 to 10.20 am and 10.20 to 10.50 am for Level 2 students. I guess it's reasonable giving the fact that the school doesn't have evening session and it would be pity for the Level 1 students to actually queue up with the Level 2 students which is more bigger in terms of size. Also, there will be a co-curriculum activities every Wednesday start from 11.35 to 3.45 pm. She also asks us to give her a list of task of what we suppose to do so that she can help us to whom we suppose to meet. She also give her phone number (019-8801123) to us incase there's something happen. After that, she left all of us and ask the two practicum students to follow her to help her relieve her class. From there onwards, I remember both myself and Brolin just take a look around the school and also taking pictures for our material including the staff room. Oh yeah, though the number of students in SK Bahang are not that big but there's a pre-school and also special class at there. So, roughly that's how the first day pass by. Looking forward for tomorrow's activity.

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